All information contained in this website is of a general nature and is not intended to be exhaustive. It is made available in good faith and believed to be correct at the time of preparation.

The information does not provide specific financial advice. It does not take into consideration of any particular person™s personal circumstances, needs or objectives. Any reference to the reader™s personal circumstances is entirely coincidental.

The information is not intended to replace professional advice and we recommend you consult a professional, licensed wealth adviser before making any financial decision.

When considering a financial product, please consider the product disclosure statement. Charter Financial Planning and its representatives receive fees and brokerage for the provision of financial advice, or placement of financial products. The repayment of your investment and performance of any products and services are not guaranteed.

We do not guarantee the accuracy, adequacy or completeness of the information nor that the website is free from viruses.

The information is only provided for Australian residents and not for the use of any person outside of Australia.